"Tiboni, A Faith Before the World"
AlteleMessage of Fr. Julián Carrón to the friends of the Ugandan Community on the occasion of the departure to Heaven of Fr. Pietro Tiboni
“At the origin of the current crisis is the destruction of the human.”
AlteleThe economy, the elections in France, Islamic terrorism. The president of the Fraternity of CL answers the questions of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on themes from the book "Disarming Beauty".
My heart is glad because you live, oh Christ
AlteleNotes of the introduction of Fr. Julián Carrón to the Spiritual Exercises of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation (Rimini, April 28, 2017)
Greeting by Julián Carrón at the end of the Easter Triduum of GS
AlteleRimini, April 15, 2017
Easter 2017. The Easter Poster of Communion and Liberation
AltelePope Francis in Milan. Hope in an embrace
AltelePending the arrival of Pope Francis in the capital of Lombardy, scheduled for March 25, 2017
The twelfth anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Fr Luigi Giussani and XXXV of the pontifical recognition of the Fraternity of CL. The intention for the Masses
AlteleJulián Carrón: "Others do not create problems for us; others make us aware of the problems we have"
AlteleMessage to Monsignor Francesco Braschi upon the death of Father Romano Scalfi
Altele"He wanted to come among us, when he could have simply settled for giving us help" (Saint Bernard of Clairvaux)
AltelePage One of Traces - December 2016
Christmas 2016. The poster of Communion and Liberation
AlteleFreedom, a crucial challenge for our faith
AlteleInterview with Fr. Julián Carrón by Gerolamo Fazzini - Credere
In order to recover the sense of living together
AlteleItaly – Consitutional Referendum – December 4, 2016
“Lord, I am a sinner: come with your mercy” (Pope Francis)
AltelePilgrimage to Caravaggio – October 1, 2016 - Jubilee of Mercy
intervention of Fr. Julián Carrón
AlteleJubilee of Mercy Pilgrimage of Communion and Liberation to the Sanctuary of Caravaggio - October 1, 2016 "Lord, I am a sinner: Come with your mercy" (Pope Francis)
The form of witness
AltelePage One of Traces - September 2016
Notes from the Assembly with Fr. Julián Carrón and the Equipe of GS
AlteleCervinia, September 3, 2016
“CL does not need an enemy, nor does it live for the crumbs that fall from the table of the powerful”
AlteleMessage to participants in the XXXI World Youth Day 2016
AlteleFr. Julián Carrón's Message for World Youth Day in Krakow (July 26 to 31)
Fr. Carrón: The movements live a mission without limits
AlteleA reading of the document “Iuvenescit Ecclesia” by the President of Communion and Liberation