Altele - Pagina 8
Presentation of Antonio Polito’s book Contro i papà (Against Daddies)
Altele“Has Anyone Ever Promised Us Anything? Then Why Should We Expect Anything?”
AlteleThe Regenerative Force of Expectation, Through Which We Discover the Divine in the Human
AlteleSandy Hook - The American Face of Nihilism
Communion and Liberation Christmas Poster
AlteleChristmas 2012
Other editions available for the book of the month for December 2012 - January 2013
AlteleEditions Available
The Wonder that Guides Us in History
AlteleRIMINI 1962-2012
With the Audacity of Realism
AlteleTraces, December 2012, page one
"We want to be outrageously happy, too". Life as Vocation
AlteleCarrón: "By converting ourselves to Christ, we can touch with our hands that this is useful for life"
AlteleA Call to Build Anew - Elections 2012
AlteleThe Event of a Different Humanity, Capable of Reawakening Interest in the Faith
AlteleThe New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith
Us Elections/Presidential Debates: Image or Reality
AlteleOther editions available for the book of the month for October and November
AlteleLife as Vocation
AlteleLetter to the diocese of the Bishop Elect of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla
AlteleThe New Bishop of Reggio Emilia - Guastalla (northern Italy): Massimo Camisasca
AlteleMilan, the Death of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini. Julián Carrón’s Letter to the editor of Corriere della sera
AltelePresident of the Fraternity of CL: “In his heart, there was always room for us” Carro´n: I am saddened, we could have collaborated more
AlteleMilan, the Death of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini