Altele - Pagina 9
A Desperate Need for True Education
AlteleFlyer regarding the Aurora, CO shooting
Baby-Boomer Generation Misunderstands Freedom
AlteleThe Diversity of a Work
AlteleNotes from the Assembly of the "School of Works" for the Associates of the Companionship of Works. Milan, June 13, 2012
The Wellspring of Gratuitousness
AltelePrayer of Invocation to the Servant of God Father Luigi Giussani intended for private devotion
AlteleWe have a long way to go
AlteleJulián Carrón la Repubblica
Julián Carrón’s message at the conclusion of the Student Youth Easter Triduum. Rimini, April 7, 2012
AlteleJulián Carrón
What Do We Hold Most Dear
AlteleFlyer regarding the new HHS Mandate
Self Awareness: The Reawakening Point
AlteleHomily of His Eminence Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan - Mass for the VII anniversary of the death of Monsignor Luigi Giussani
AlteleRequest to initiate the cause for Father Giussani’s beatification and canonisation
AlteleFinal greeting to Cardinal Angelo Scola (February 22, 2012)
AlteleSeventh anniversary of Father Giussani's death and the thirtieth anniversary of the pontifical recognition of the Fraternity of CL. The intention for the Holy Masses.
AlteleHomilia do cardeal Angelo Scola, Arcebispo de Milão - Missa por VII aniversário da morte de mons. Luigi Giussani
AlteleEducating Young People in Justice and Peace
AlteleBenedict XVi
Laity, that is, Christians
AlteleBenedict XVI
“And God Saw That It Was Good”
AlteleThe Recession A Challenge that Calls for Change
AlteleStill Today Christ Comes Towards Us
AlteleBenedict XVI in Germany
He Showed Us Our Friend