Altele - Pagina 14
Message sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick
AlteleMessage sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino
AlteleMessage sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Most Rev. Ignatius A. Kaigama
AlteleMessage sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Archbishop Renzo Fratini
AlteleMessage sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa
AlteleMessage sent to CL on the occasion of Fr. Giussani death by Cardinal Edward Egan
“A New Beginning”
AlteleNotes from the intervention of Julián Carrón at the National Council of Communion and Liberation on March 19, 2005, following his nomination as President of the Fraternity of CL
"In Love with Christ. In an Encounter, the Road"
AlteleHomily of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, present at the funeral on behalf of the Holy Father
"More than ever a father. Let us serve the gift of unity"
AlteleIntervention by Fr Julián Carron at the end of the funeral mass of Fr. Luigi Giussani. Milan Cathedral
Message of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, (to cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi)
AlteleMilan Cathedral
Intervention of Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan
AlteleMilan Cathedral
Faith Is Given Us so that We Communicate It
AltelePage One
Father Giussani’s Message to the participants in the pilgrimage
AltelePilgrimage to Loreto
Our Faith Before the World
AlteleIesu dulcis memoria
AlteleChurch - Singing
XXVI Pilgrimage. The message from Fr Giussani
AlteleXXVI Pilgrimage, Macerata to Loreto
In the Face of the Terrorist Attachs in Madrid a Certain Hope
AlteleEducation! So as not to forget the dead and not to die ourselves
AlteleChristmas 2004