Altele - Pagina 15

The Heart of the Church Problem


From L. Giussani, Why the Church?, translated by V. Hewitt, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal 2001, pp. 8-9

“How a Movement Is Born”


Notes from a talk at the international meeting of Communion and Liberation leaders in August 1989. From L. Giussani, L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo [The Christian Event. Man Church World], BUR, Milan 2003, pp. 29–50

From Baptism, a New Creature


Address of Fr. Luigi Giussani at the Synod of Bishops, Rome, October 9, 1987. From L. Giussani, L’avvenimento cristiano. Uomo Chiesa Mondo [The Christian Event. Man Church World], BUR, Milan 2003, 23-25